When it comes to making the most of any investment in new training facilities and resources, Professional Staff Development is a must. Our factory-trained engineers will carry out the installation and training at your site. This will give an opportunity for your technical personnel to follow closely and become fully involved in the installation and commissioning should it be required.
Typically the installation will be carried out over a 3-day period and it will be followed by a training session, which would take, between 5-7 working days. The training will start with the basic overview of the system and then each module will be covered individually in detail. Various training scenarios will be explored and we always encourage a hands-on approach where the trainees will be working closely with the equipment under the close guidance of our trainer.
Usually, training will cover use of each of the individual modules in the lab. Once the individual modules are covered in detail, the training will then focus on the various scenarios that can be used to configure different sub systems and finally the complete end-to-end system. Again, the focus will be on simulating various real life scenarios.
The training session will end with a test for the trainees and certificates will be given to the trainees after the completion of the training.
Refresher Training
Our main focus is on customer satisfaction and a key feature of our training is that we conduct a refresher on-site training session after a 6-month period. This is to ensure that the system is used to its optimum capacity and any possible doubts or questions can be addressed.
We will also use the visit of the trainer to conduct a check on the hardware and software system for any small adjustments if required. Wherever it is relevant, we make use of the TSI eLearning when it is supplied as part of the package.
The inclusion of a large wall-mounted interactive display makes this a valuable training tool. It also illustrates how the instructor can make best use of the available resources with their trainees.