AP (Authorised Person) Training - High Voltage
We can help provide training and assessment covering the essential requirements of safe working procedures on High Voltage (HV) electrical equipment and systems as required by the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. This UK standard is recognised Worldwide as one of the best HV electrical safety standards and has been adopted by many other Countries.
The TSI Power Systems Simulator plays an important part in our AP training package. It is specifically designed to enable trainees to develop their safety awareness skills together with practical hands-on skills such as safe isolation working and fault finding.
Many of the aspects of AP training are best carried out initially on a simulated system. The PTSS can be configured by each trainee to represent a number of HV and MV generation and distribution systems.
Standard circuit breakers and protective relays in the system enable both planned isolation and protective fault tripping and isolation to be investigated.
The digital multifunction meters built into the system can be used for all the diagnostics work but they can be supplemented with commercial test equipment to help develop workplace familiarity.

Our training material cover the following aspects of this important training and certification
- Requirements of statutory regulation/legislation
- Types of HV switchgear and their operation and maintenance
- Types of HV sub-station equipment, its operation and maintenance.
- Types of distribution systems and the equipment used
- Types of protective devices and their application
- Application of Electricity Safety Regulations to HV ring and radial distribution systems
- Issue of Permits to Work and Sanction for Test
- Methods of network operation
- Records and documentation
- Cable location and identification
- Testing/commissioning of electrical distribution equipment
Training scenarios using the PTSS are based on standard single line electrical diagrams that represent different systems.
Trainees will be required to produce safety documentation such as permit to work/sanction to test, limitations of access and switching schedules including annotated network isolation diagrams for each training task assigned.
Because the PTSS system contains each of the elements of a HV network including substation and transmission lines very realistic fault scenarios can be established.
Trainees will need to develop an understanding of the underpinning theory in order to be successful in the practical tasks. Experienced instructors can make use of the PTSS simulated facilities to do this.
We even offer unique package of instructional materials that can be used to deliver AP (Authorised Person) Training - High Voltage courses based on the equipment we supply in these labs. (A sample of these materials can be accessed via our User Zone).