TSI-PTSS 50200 Power Systems Simulation Software – Thermal Power Plant 210 MW
- Coal
- Heavy Oil (warm-up)
- Light Oil (ignition)
- Drum type
- Natural Circulation
- 2 Forced Draft Fans
- 2 Induced Draft Fans
- 4 Primary Air fans (1 for each Pulveriser)
- 1 Igniter Fan & 1 Scanner Fan
- Windbox
- 1 Regenerative Air Heater
- Soot blowers
- Electro-static precipitator
- 4 Coal Feeders
- 4 Pulverisers
- 2 Ignition Oil pumps
- 2 Fuel Oil Pumps
- Coal and Oil Burners at 4 Levels
- Economiser
- Steam Drum
- Downcomer
- Waterwalls
- Primary Superheater
- Secondary Superheater
- Reheater
- Attemperators for Superheater
- Auxiliary Steam Header
- HP/IP/LP Turbines
- Main Stop Valve with Bypass
- 4 Turbine Control Valves
- Turbine Turning Gear
- 2 Turbine Lube Oil Pumps
- Turbine Lube Oil Cooler
- Turbine Lube Oil Cooling Water Pump
- Turbine Lube Oil Filters
- Bearing vibration monitors
- Rotor eccentricity monitor
- Generator with Exciter and Automatic Voltage Regulator
- Synchroscope
- Hydrogen Cooler
- Hydrogen Seal Oil Pump
- Stator Cooling water Pump
- Condenser
- 2 Air Ejectors
- 2 Circulating Water Pumps
- 2 Condensate Extraction Pumps
- Condensate Storage Tank
- 1 Makeup Pump
- Air Ejector Steam Condenser
- Gland Seal Steam Condenser with Exhaust Fan
- Condensate Scrubber
- 3 Low Pressure Heaters
- De-aerator with Storage Tank
- 2 High Pressure Heaters
- 3 Boiler Feed Pumps (motor driven)
- 43 Controllers
- 17 Auto-Manual Control Stations
- 17 Manual Stations
- 127 Indicators
- 131 Switches
- 80 Explicit Alarms
- Trips and Alarm Logic / Interlocks.
- Pump trips
- Fan trips
- Turbine trip
- Generator trip
- Fuel trip
- Valve malfunctions
- Instrument malfunctions
- Air temperature
- Cooling water temperature
- Low grade fuel